My name is Elitroph Solomon I’m a musical artist, a movie actor and a graduate of civil engineering from one of the universities in Nigeria. I’m Based and promoting my skills in Lagos state (Nigeria). Musically, I’ve been working on a music project titled “seven seals” which is 100% ready and will soon be online for downloads and out of the project this single “Addiction” came out from. I’ve got this heavy heart about those that are dying and giving up in the fight over addiction and the excessive and uncontrollable intake of harmful drugs and that fueled me to composing a song titled “Addiction”.
This song is my voice, my support and my drugs to those battling with addiction. The fact is we are all addicted to something and this song would fuel your passion to break out of that which is holding you down from being who you ought to be which is a better version of yourselves for your family, friends and loved one. Addicted victims needs to be taught first of all on learning how to love themselves, they need to realise its It’s either they fight to drown their addictions or it drowns them. I did a promotional video of the song addiction to help in the awareness and I call everyone with “like minds” to join me in the enlightenment of drug abuse to make our society better. SAY NO TO DRUGS ABUSE and other human addictions. Let’s make Africa better in our own little way. Please contact me let’s reach out to more people. On instagram @elitroph twitter @elitroph17 facebook @Elitroph music.