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YVES 30’S a taxi driver cruising on his cab among a deserted area, he
witnesses a man pestering a young lady SOPHIA 28 on top of a table from
this dodgy area. In this case, Yves stops and goes on to take a car jack
from his car and goes to intervene on the struggle between Sophia and the
man, thus saving her as the man runs away and Yves asks if he
should take her to the hospital, but Sophia appreciates his help and asks
if he can just take her home.

MARTIN 28 in his room with void, he is busy typing something on the type
writer, while he listens to music from the radio. Yves drives two young
ladies BIBISCH and PAMELA (prostitutes) and as he arrives on their
destination, Pamela discovers that the fare is too much and tries to seduce
the uptight driver to no success on her efforts and Bibisch appears
somewhat annoyed by this. Martin arrives at his apartment, along with his
colleague and friend OMEGA 30’s, as they start to engage in a conversation
and after Martin’s few attempts to convince her to taste some of his wine,
Omega notices a photo of a young lady and asks Martin about it, after some
hesitation from Martin, he finally opens up and tells her that it’s her
late girlfriend that was a victim of gang rape as he expresses his anger.
Sophia wakes to find next to her, her little sister MIMI 17 sitting up with
a saddened look on her face and as Sophia wonders what’s up and Mimi
telling her that she’s just hungry, Sophia starts to have an outburst as
she finds her sister’s attitude too much that she can handle. Martin stops
his car at a sidewalk consisting of a couple of prostitutes. Out of all the
ladies, he is struck by JUNE’S beauty and he summons her to his car. Later,
Martin in his bed along with June engage in an awkward, yet captivating
conversation, with him letting June know that he’s a writer for radio and
June seems impressed.
At a massage parlour a receptionist lady, introduces JOHN 30 to a young
lady CARINE that works as a massage therapist. As Carine starts to work her
magic on John and John admiring the massage experience starting small talk,
the receptionist comes back momentarily to inform John that Carine is
actually mute. Yves from the pavement listening to Omega on the radio from
his car, he gets approached by his friend Michelle who helps Yves out as he
jump starts his car and following this encounter they part ways, with Yves
telling Michelle they should meet once in a while just to reflect on life.
Martin rests on his bedroom’s floor face first with an empty whiskey bottle
in hand and thus Omega comes in and as she wonders what has happened to him
and the fact that he’s not responding,she calls an ambulance.

June sits on a toilet seat and holds up a pregnancy test stick and
discovers that she’s pregnant due to her sexual engagements with Martin,
she finds it hard to believe. Sophia gets attacked and stabbed by the same
guy that Yves saved him from the first time they met and thereafter the man
leaves her wounded on the ground. Therefore, Yves as he drives by he
notices Sophia and goes on to attend to her and when he discovers what has
happened, trying to call the ambulance, Sophia tells him not to bother and
that he should promise that he’ll take care of her younger sister Mimi thus
she passes on. Carine is shocked when she discovers that a cab that she and
John rode on is driven by his husband Yves, with John oblivious to the
occurrence, Yves is disappointed to know that his wife has been cheating
all along. Omega in an emotional bulletin on her radio show, she pays
homage to his recently passed friend and colleague Martin, saying it’s
her 99th night presenting his writings.



Marius Bonfeu is an exciting young African filmmaker  from Cameroun base in South Africa who has already achieved numerous successes.
He co-wrote and directed and produced 99th Night his first feature film 2015.
His 2 minutes short film, Hold Strong won the award for best Short film at the Canada International Film

Festival “Vue D’Afrique”; was nominated for best short film at the 2013 FIBIC Best short Film (Cameroon),
Best Short film International Short Film Festival in 2014(Festival Paul Simon France)2014.
He has embarked on two separate global treks that gave him a traveller’s perspective on different cultures
in Cameroon and South Africa. He has also worked as a ‘books’ writer and script writer for various films.

Film documentary Struggles of Youth (23min) 2013, The Joys of Dancing 2013, Before You Come to SA…
He has written and directed for several short film documentary and TV dramas including Collinear,
Number 9 and Mabah. He is currently working on a feature film with Yves Salankang.

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