Become A Sponsor To The 6th Eko International Film Festival

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6th ekoiff

Eko international film festival welcomes new ideas and would love to work with any organization that shares interest in the arts and entertainment industry during the 6th edition of the event coming up November 16-21, 2015.
We have a wide range of unique sponsorship opportunities for businesses and partners who want to be involved in our annual event and other occasions throughout the year, allowing companies to identify with major players in the film industry and driving their brands among an affluent consumer audience.

For more information on a customized Eko International Film Festival sponsorship package designed to accommodate your brand’s marketing agenda, please contact President at +234 803 303 6171.

Sponsorship Brochure
For advertising opportunities in our Festival Program Brochure, please contact our Advertising Sales Coordinator at +234 818 315 1753.

Advertising Media Kit
For Film & Food Fundraising Party sponsor opportunities, please contact Marketing Coordinator at +234 818 315 1753 ;
Film & Food Sponsorship Packages 2015
Eko International Film Festival will appreciate prospective Festival Sponsors
whose contribution and commitment to aspiring filmmakers and screenwriters through their financial support will enhance our annual event. This will ensure Eko International Film Festival continues to administer its various educational, cultural and motion picture initiatives every year.


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