The Deceit Of Beauty Pageant Charades

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Agbani Darego 1Agbani Darego

The Deceit Of Beauty Pageant Charades

The origin of beauty pageant competition dates back to only when God knows. The insurgence of many pageants in Nigeria which do not basically look out for the natural endowment of shape, size and brain is gradually loosing the prestige, but for personal aggrandizement.

When Agbani Darego was crowned the Miss World in 2001 I gave Silverbird Productions Limited my kudos and also much credit must be given to the then Pageant Manager Mrs. Joan who contributed in no small measure to nurture and groom Agbani to attain the enviable height of global stardom.

I agreed she deserved the crown, because I followed the competition live on television. Her victory as Miss World is not because she was more physically beautiful than other competitors but for her good instinct and intelligent answers to the questions asked (you don’t crown a dummy queen).

But today all our saints and knights and what have you have conjured their own exclusive pageants to stream out young girls who come in turns every other year as their bed mates in the name of promoting their products and fashions.

It is very damaging to the future of our young Nigerian girls who joined the competition genuinely to flaunt their natural God given nature to pursue their dreams as big time models and in furtherance of their education, but unfortunately they are now being exploited due to the harsh economic turndown of the country. You might be a moneybag, but you should stop taking advantage of these innocent young girls in the name of making them stars.

Agbani 2Agbani Darego won the Miss World Pageant in 2001.

Remember the saying “he who cheats another man’s child will not take his own child to the grave when he dies”; in other words “he who defecates along the road side, on your way back the flies will not only greet you but will welcome you.”

~ By Hope O. Opara

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